Hello friends, Do you want to download and print your voter id card instantly by following just few simple steps. So, yes you landed correctly.
Get Voter Id Card in 2 minutes
So, the first step is to visit - https://voters.eci.gov.in/login
Now Create a new account or login your existing account by verifying otp received on your mobile number.
Now you will find an option to download e-Epic Card. Just click on that enter your e-EPIC number and Select State. Now click on Search.
Now Verify your mobile number by OTP and boom. That's all now you get option to download your voter id card and also a message showing - Congratulations, Your e-EPIC for epic number - .... is generated. Please save a copy for future use. Don't share this with others to avoid misuse.
Forget your EPIC Number?
If you had forgotten your EPIC number then follow these simple steps to recover the same.
- Visit - https://electoralsearch.eci.gov.in/
- Search by simple details like by Selecting state city, your personal details like Name, Father's name, Date of birth, Gender, your district and Assemble Constituency.
- Now click on Search and you will find your EPIC number.
- You can also find your EPIC number by your mobile number registered in your voter id card.